July 26, 2024

The Black Race by Ho Chi Minh

Book Talk: The Black Race by Ho Chi Minh, February 19, 2022

The York Centre for Asian Research at York University will hold a virtual panel discussion of the book: “The Black Race by Ho Chi Minh and Selected Works on Systemic Racism,” compiled by Dai Trang Nguyen and edited by Luis Silva (New Vietnam Publishing, Toronto, 2021), on February 19, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET. The panel will include an academic on Black Studies, the editor of the book, and the author.

Register for the talk here: https://yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2Z1hC0OSTFO20BfZFEFkCg

For more information: https://ycar.apps01.yorku.ca/event/the-black-race-by-ho-chi-minh/

Contact: ycar@yorku.ca

Panel Speakers:

Joe Pateman, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Under Imperialism, “Black Lives Don’t Matter”

Luis Silva (editor), Centennial College, Toronto, Ontario
Ho Chi Minh’s Captivating True Stories: Decoding Literary References of “The Black Race”

Dai Trang Nguyen (author), York University, Toronto, Ontario
Ho Chi Minh and America: More Connections Than We Thought

and Selected Works on Systemic Racism

Introduced by Dai Trang Nguyen
Publication date: February 2021
Toronto, Canada
ISBN: 978-1-989944-01-1

Book Description: This book is a compilation of 20 essays written by Ho Chi Minh in the 1920s and 1960s, tracing the roots of institutional racism in the United States to the European enslavement of Africans through colonial imperialism. His writing is still highly relevant to the current Black Lives Matter movement. The essays include “Lynching”, “The Ku Klux Klan”, “Cannon Fodder”, “Jim Crow” and “American Justice”.

Available at A Different Booklist.

For a preview and Table of Contents, click here and “Full screen”.

Vietnamese version / Bản tiếng Việt

HỒ CHÍ MINHChủng tộc da đen
và các tác phẩm chọn lọc về phân biệt chủng tộc

Introduced by Dai Trang Nguyen
Publication date: February 2021
Toronto, Canada
ISBN: 978-1-989944-02-8

Quotations by Ho Chi Minh

“It is well-known that the Black race is the most oppressed and the most exploited of the human family. It is well-known that the spread of capitalism and the discovery of the New World had as an immediate result the rebirth of slavery which was, for centuries, a scourge for the Negroes and a bitter disgrace for mankind. What everyone does not perhaps know is that after 65 years of so-called emancipation, American Negroes still endure atrocious moral and material sufferings, of which the most cruel and horrible is the custom of lynching.”

HO CHI MINH, “Lynching”, 1924

The Vietnamese people strongly support our Black brothers in America, for we believe their struggle is just and they shall overcome.

HO CHI MINH, “The Second Revolution in America”, 1966

Selected Photos

President Ho Chi Minh greets President Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) of Guinea at Gia Lam Airport, Hanoi, 1960. Ahmed Touré led Guinea’s independence from France in 1958 and became the country’s first president.

Photo: Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Ho Chi Minh’s 1924 essay, “Lynching,” was printed in the Black Panther newspaper in the United States, September 13, 1969.

Photo: Marxist Internet Archive

President Ho Chi Minh (centre) and Vice-President Ton Duc Thang (right) greet President Ahmed Sékou Touré of Guinea in Hanoi, 1960.

Photo: Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

President Ho Chi Minh (left) visits the Saqqara Pyramid in Egypt during his official visit to France,  June 9, 1946.

Photo: Presidential Palace Historical Site

A bust of President Ho Chi Minh was unveiled in 2003 at Ho Chi Minh Square in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. The African city has a major street named after him. Ho Chi Minh was in Madagascar in 1911.

Photo: Thế Giới

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